BIBLE TEXT(S): Rev. 2:18-29 Ps. 90:14, Ps. 136:10-12, vs. 25, Neh. 9:32-36
In Rev. 2:18-29, the church in Thyatira was commended for love, service, faith, patience and improvements. However, she lacked discerning of spirits and was seduced into fornication, sorcery and idolatry. Seduction is a major weapon against the church to draw her away from the love of God. Holy Spirit is calling on us (the church) to repent and be revived.
Father we thank you for your mercy that is always renewed in your church every morning. Lam. 3:22
Fatherweaskforyourmercyandforgivingnessforallourlapsesandfailureinthepast years.
OhLordweconfessandrepentofsinsofthechurchwhichwehavesinnedagainstthee, please have mercy on your church. Neh. 1:6
OGodwehavedealtverycorruptlyagainstthee,andhavenotkeptthycommandments and statutes, please Lord have mercy on your church in Jesus name.
We cry unto you dear Lord to purge us of every iniquity in our heart so that you can hear and answer our prayers in Jesus name. Ps. 14:34
Father by your divine mercy deliver your church from sleep of death. Ps. 13:3
Father deliver your church from every form of captivity because of your mercy that endures forever in Jesus name. Ps. 136:10-12
Oh God satisfy your church with your mercy that we may rejoice and be glad in Jesus name. Ps. 90:14
Father; show your church mercy and deliver her from dead works and curses of the enemies because your mercy is good in Jesus name. Ps. 109:17-21
10.Help your church O Lord our God and save us according to your mercy in Jesus name 11.Father let your church obtain mercy this season in Jesus name. Rom. 11:31 12.Father you are gracious and merciful, please do not forsake your church in Jesus name. Neh. 9:31 13.Father deliver your church from being servants on the land that you have given us in Jesus name. 14. Oh God arise for the help of your church and revive her again in Jesus name. Ps. 44:26 15.Father by your mercy deliver your church from spiritual deafness and from worldly distractions. James 2:22