BIBLE TEXT(S): Pro 16:6, Exodus 15:13, Exodus 20:6
INTRODUCTION: By mercy the Lord has redeemed his church. He has remained the strength and the guide to his bride, the church. The Lord shows mercy unto thousands of them that love him and obeys his commandments. The Church will not cease to ask for mercy from the LORD.
Father we are grateful for your mercy that comes anew every morning.
Father, have mercy over your church for failures to walk in the agape love. 1 John 4:8, 18
Father; have mercy upon your church for every form of oppression in the church.
Father; have mercy upon us for all forms of ungodly competition among denominations in the body of Christ.
Father; have mercy upon us for the sin of wrong and poor modeling by the young ones in the church.
Father, have mercy upon your church for not complementing each other in evangelism. Matt 28:19
Father; have mercy upon us for the sins of poor church resources management.
Father; have mercy upon us for every sins of Idolatry in the body of Christ
Father; have mercy upon us for the sins of Idolatry/ Idol of the heart/ Evil thoughts, satanic competition and rivalry in your church in Jesus name Eze 14:7
Father; have mercy upon us for the sins that proceeds out of a defiled heart and purge us of evil conscience by your blood in Jesus name. Heb 10:22.
Father; have mercy upon us for acts of comparison and creating rooms for unhealthy competition in Church in Jesus name. 2 Cor 10: 12
Father; have mercy upon us for the sins of witchcraft in Church through manipulative and domineering spirits of jezebel in Jesus name.
Father; have mercy upon us for the sins of manipulating figures, forging receipts and all forms of abominable acts on the Altar. 1 Sam 2:13-15
Father; have mercy upon us for the sins of witchcraft in the Church through seductive acts of indecent dressings in Jesus name. 1 Pet 3:3, Jer 4:30
Father; by your mercy Heaven at last for every true member of your church in Jesus name. Amen